
What is a tuition waiver?

It's like a scholarship. U.S. citizens and Permanent Residents permanently in Georgia pay "in-state tuition" which is considerably less than "out-of-state tuition" paid by those from outside Georgia. The maximum waiver allows international students to pay "in-state tuition." See the value example below.

Exceptions include:

  • Graduate Student Waivers: administered by the Graduate School.
  • Domestic Student Waivers: administered by 澳门新普京注册 Admissions.
  • Exchange Visitor Waivers (J1 Student): administered by the office of Education Abroad.
  • Partner University Waivers: administered separately by ISAP. See the end of this page for more information.

Value Example:

Examples based on 1 semester enrollment of 12 credit hours at the Undergraduate Tuition and Fees rate.

  • Regular Georgia In-State (Resident) Tuition: $3,044
  • Regular International Student Tuition: $9,056
    • Value of a 100% Out-of-State Tuition Waiver for 1 semester: $6,012
    • Value of a 75% Out-of-State Tuition Waiver for 1 semester: $4,509
    • Value of a 50% Out-of-State Tuition Waiver for 1 semester: $3,006
    • Value of a 25% Out-of-State Tuition Waiver for 1 semester: $1,503


Out-of-State Tuition Waivers at the University of West Georgia (澳门新普京注册) are both limited and competitive. Applications for waivers are accepted following admission to 澳门新普京注册 or by current students who have completed at least one full semester of study. Recipients are expected to actively engage in student life and leadership opportunities at 澳门新普京注册. To maintain the waiver year-to-year, students must meet the minimum GPA requirements specified for their waiver level, with GPA evaluations conducted at the end of each Spring semester.

If a student's GPA dips below the required minimum, they may receive a probationary semester at the discretion of the ISAP office, based upon waiver availability. During this semester, students can retain their higher award level to enhance their GPA to meet the stipulated minimum requirement. Failure to meet eligibility requirements by the end of the probationary semester will result in the waiver being reduced or removed, based on the final GPA following the Fall semester. All waiver renewal considerations are based on the student's institutional GPA, not the cumulative GPA.

Waivers are awarded annually and must be renewed before each Fall semester by submitting a new waiver application.

Waiver Renewal Priority

  • 1st Priority: Renewal of waivers for continuing students.
  • 2nd Priority: New incoming students.
  • 3rd Priority: Continuing students who become eligible for a waiver based on strong academic performance.
  • 4th Priority: Continuing students with a waiver who become eligible for a higher award.

Waiver Amounts & Criteria for International waiver

EBRW = Evidence Based Reading & Writing combined score on the Revised SAT (RSAT).

Undergraduate Waiver Eligibility:

100% Presidential Out of State Waiver


  • RSAT: EBRW - 630, Math - 590 or
  • ACT: English - 27, Math -25 or
  • 3.50 or higher GPA

Minimum GPA to Maintain Waiver: 3.50

75% Scholastic Out of State Waiver 


  • RSAT: EBRW - 580, Math – 540 or
  • ACT: English - 24, Math - 22 or
  • 3.25 - 3.49 GPA

Minimum GPA to Maintain Waiver: 3.25

50% Academic Out of State Waiver 


  • RSAT: EBRW - 530, Math – 490 or
  • ACT: English - 21, Math - 19 or
  • 3.00 - 3.24 GPA

Minimum GPA to Maintain Waiver: 3.00

25% Merit Out of State Waiver


  • RSAT: EBRW - 480, Math - 440 or
  • ACT: English - 17, Math - 17 or
  • 2.75 - 2.99 GPA

Minimum GPA to Maintain Waiver 2.75

Graduate Waiver Eligibility:

Graduate Applicants must first apply for the Graduate Waiver and receive a decision before applying for the general International Student Out of State Waiver. 

50% Academic Out of State Waiver 


  • 3.50 or higher GPA, if denied by Graduate School

Minimum GPA to Maintain Waiver: 3.50

25% Merit Out of State Waiver 


  • 3.00 - 2.49, if denied by Graduate School

Minimum GPA to Maintain Waiver: 3.00

Apply for the Waiver

  • Fill out and submit the International Student Out-of-State Tuition Waiver Application.
  • Attach a copy of your current resume.
  • Attach a personal statement describing the merits of your application and how the award would benefit you and your plans at 澳门新普京注册. The statement should be thoughtfully and well-written, 1-page, and double-spaced. You should also provide documentation of any claims you make in the statement regarding personal hardships or circumstances. Statements requesting initial or renewal waivers that are short, brief, paragraph length or missing will not be approved. 
  • Graduate Applicants must first apply for the Graduate Waiver and receive a decision before applying for the general International Student Out of State Waiver. 

Apply for the  Graduate Waiver

  • Fill out and submit the Graduate International Student Out of State Tuition Waiver Request
  • Qualifying nominees must have a strong academic record, must be degree-seeking, and must maintain a GPA of 3.5 or higher (based on a 4.0 scale) on all graduate work.

Partner Universities

Transfer students from partner universities (Reformed University and ZUEL) will receive a 50% out-of-state tuition waiver upon admission to 澳门新普京注册. No reapplication is needed to continue to receive the waiver each term enrolled so long as a 2.5 GPA requirement is maintained. If your GPA falls below this standard, your waiver will not be provided until the 2.5 GPA minimum is met again.